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Multiple to single polygon attribute transfer

10-22-2011 05:27 PM
Occasional Contributor
I am attempting to get demographic data attached to census blocks into a layer of transportation analysis zones (TAZs) which are also polygons.  I need to move things like total population to the TAZs because it doesn't exist there and they are my primary unit of analysis. 

The issue here is that a) the blocks are smaller than the TAZs so there are many blocks contained within one TAZ and b) the census block and TAZ boundaries do not line up (are off by maybe 12-35 meters). 

What is the best way to aggregate the census data from many blocks into one TAZ while not having to deal with slivers and endless editing? 

Thanks for any and all help!
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2 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
I am attempting to get demographic data attached to census blocks into a layer of transportation analysis zones (TAZs) which are also polygons.  I need to move things like total population to the TAZs because it doesn't exist there and they are my primary unit of analysis. 

The issue here is that a) the blocks are smaller than the TAZs so there are many blocks contained within one TAZ and b) the census block and TAZ boundaries do not line up (are off by maybe 12-35 meters). 

What is the best way to aggregate the census data from many blocks into one TAZ while not having to deal with slivers and endless editing? 

Thanks for any and all help!

If you do not need to reshape the blocks to actually fit the boundaries of the predominant TAZ and just need to tag the blocks with the TAZ ID so they can be summarized, you can use the Feature to Point tool to export the Centroids of the blocks (check the option ot keep the Centroid inside the polygon) and then use the Spatial Join tool to get the ID association you need.  Then you should be able to run summaries of the block data for transfer to the TAZs.
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Occasional Contributor
Richard - perfect solution.  Thank you!
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