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Model Builder - Use Calculated Field

04-14-2014 01:03 PM
Emerging Contributor

I'm using the Model Builder to make several steps of my workflow automatically.

I have to following problem:
In a first step, I create a buffer. Then I add a new field to the buffered feature, calculate a value for it and join it with another dataset. No problem until here. But then I want to convert my vector feature to a raster, but for the field I cannot chose my newly added field.
Has anyone an idea why this doesn't work or how I can solve my problem?

Thank you!
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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor
Is your new field simply not appearing in the list of fields from which to choose?  What is the data type of the new field you added and calculated; text or numeric?  Raster grids in ArcGIS need to use integer or floating-point values for the attribute in the raster attribute table.  Thus, you cannot use a text field in a vector attribute table for the cell assignment in converting vector data to raster data.  If your new field is TEXT, try changing it to numeric (e.g., DOUBLE, FLOAT, LONG) when adding it and prior to calculating it.
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