In ArcMap toolbox, there is a tool called Strip Map Index Features. When you run it, it produces an attribute table wit several columns / fields. Some of these fields include 'Shape', 'PageNumber', 'SeqId', 'Previous', 'Next' ,'LeftPage' ,'RightPage', etc. I have plugged this tool into Model Builder. Is there a way to hide or not display any of these columns / fields in the attribute table, using Model Builder or any or tool?
I've looked at the 'Make Feature Layer' tool. It outputs a Layer when I'm ultimately dealing with Shape files. I notice that it requires an 'Input Features' for Input. The only option that I can select that will populate the filed name list below is an option that is an already outputted file. In other words, since I'm in ArcMap, I'd have to run my tool first, generate the output (we'll call it File_A.shp) and then select that ouput (File_A.shp) as the input to Input Features.
I'm not sure if I can run these two tools simultaneously. Because the attribute table is being generated after the tool is ran, I'd have to somehow set the outputted file to also become the input to Input Features. I hope that made sense. I'm stilll experimenting with the tool though.