Darren thanks for Your reply,
multiplying could be a possible solution. As I havent't wrote in my first post: "Unfortunately", I want to iterate over the roughness-penalty parameter in the topo-to-raster interpolation tool which only can be set -reasonable- to decimal numbers between 0 to 0.5 (recommended).
And another problem:
Instead of the "roughness-penalty " I also tried to iterate over the "maximum iteration number" field in the topo-to-raster parameter settings, but it seems to be not possible to connect this with a "for"-loop.
What I want to do is to find best parameter settings with topo-to-raster for my source data, compared to a reference data set. Allover, there are five parameters I want to prove. Actually 168 possible parameter combinations are set by implementing "multiple-value" variables, considering 3 parameters (disket. error fdactor, vertical standard error, profile curvature). It would be useful and time-gaining to iterate this with a fourth parameter: roughness penalty or maximum iteration number. But it seems not possible...
Greetings, Thomas