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make query table in geo processing service.

07-01-2013 02:45 PM
by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: nqazi

please have a look to attached model and its python script. it works fine in ARCMAP the required out put is generated. i published this as geoprocessing service but when i run it on server it fails giving the following error unable to complete the operation.Error executing tool. i spend all day without success all i figured out is that probably it is due to use of  make query table as it produce a layer and i also preserve it by using copy feature but even than it does not work. Any guess...........
thank you
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
We've had some trouble with Query Layers being used in a GP Service.
The main bug we've used as tracking is this: NIM091142 -Unable to create geoprocessing service for a query layer referencing data in an Oracle database when the database is registered with ArcGIS Server
(however it is not specific to Oracle).

That said, the symptoms are usually that you cannot create the service using a query layer.
We have this bug fixed in 10.2 which should be released sometime this month. Will you have access to 10.2, will you be able to upgrade?
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