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Layer to KML issues.

12-14-2011 01:34 PM
Emerging Contributor
I have point data with fairly simple attributes showing address, water usage, etc. I can convert this to kmz fine. I run into problems when I want to create a field that turns into a link once viewed in google maps/earth. I use the field calculator to insert the address into ""address" austin,tx" I use %20 instead of spaces to not break the hyperlink string.

The field looks good in ArcMap and turns out exactly how I want it but when I go to convert using "layer to kml" I receive a windows error during the processing that basically says "Arc SOCP exe" has failed. I have tried exporting the table and re creating the files, still does not work. I know the problem only arises when I have that long hyperlink string field included.

I tried disabling background processing, the file went through, but google earth could not open it, it came up with "parse error..etc"

I tried using google earth pro to process the .shp into kmz instead, but I was having a lot of trouble with the bubbles/tables. I would much prefer to just be able to export it from ArcMap, ready to go into google earth.

I really appreciate any help.
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10 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Has anyone had this sort of issue when converting a .shp to kmz with long text strings (<100 char)?

I would really appreciate some help. I haven't found any other problems like this to learn from.
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Emerging Contributor
I don't have an answer for you, but can offer an anecdote.  We convert our final point and polygon features to kml, all of which contain text strings up to 250 characters.  So far there has been no problem.  Apparently the problem lies in the html path somewhere...
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Emerging Contributor
UMRBA, thank you very much, that does at least help narrow down the problem. I appreciate it.
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Esri Regular Contributor
I'm having problems trying to replicate your data with the URL you mentioned in your first post. (I want to see if I can reproduce the issue you're reporting)
Could you create a layer package of the data and share it with me? You can post here or email me directly, khibma[AT]

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Emerging Contributor
khibma, thank you for your assistance, I hope the layer package works, I have never created one before.
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Esri Regular Contributor

thanks, layer package works great.
What version of ArcGIS are you using? I converted with 10.0 sp3 and 10.1 beta and they both translated the same way and I believe the translation is correct. I'm able to click the URL field while inside GE.
Attached inside the zip are the 2 versions of the KML I created. Can you have a look and verify this is the result you want?
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Emerging Contributor
xp sp 3, arc map 10.0

The results are exactly what I wanted (except I need to fix the url to have another space between address and city)

I tried running this process again with the lpk I created and still encounter the same problem.
"ArcSOCP EXE has enountered a problem and needs to close." This is the windows alert box that has the "send error report" and "don't send" buttons.

Like I mentioned in the first post, I have no problems performing this function if that URL field is not there.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Ok - I cant think of a particular fix we did between 10 final and SP3 that would address this. However I know we did do a number of little fixes with the tool and I can only guess one of those is fixing the issue you're running into.

My apologies, I hope you're able to upgrade to service pack 3.
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Emerging Contributor
When you say SP3 are you referring to windows service pack 3 or is there an arcmap service pack?

I appreciate your help.
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