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02-07-2016 06:17 PM
Emerging Contributor


Can we do "kriging" when the file is without georeferencing and projection?

Please reply.


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8 Replies
MVP Emeritus

It will allow you...but you shouldn't.  Your data should at least have a planar coordinate system, even if you don't know where on earth it is.  You should at least know if your coordinates are planar, even if they are on a relative scale, they need not be in ground based units, but they should not be spherical (aka, the distance between locations is not equal-ish in all directions).  If the data are not spatial in some context, why are you wanting to do it in ArcMap.

When it comes to kriging... have you started in the help topics and decided on which implementation you are interested in?  here is a start

Search Result | For Kriging... 

Emerging Contributor

The problem is: the data has 5 or 6 intersections of a building, each intersection (as attributes) having a value around 200. All of them are whole numbers and agent wants a colorful interpolation / kriging. However, arcGIS didn't allow me the request to process.

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MVP Emeritus

the wisdom of software

It sounds like you have a bunch of data in 5 groupings so it comes as no surprise.  Perhaps you could look at the following should the agent want a colorful representation as the primary focus

Grouping Analysis—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Optimized Hot Spot Analysis—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Kernel Density—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop

Emerging Contributor

It has just 5 points and the 5 values ranging from 100 - 200 events at each intersection

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MVP Emeritus

even worse... 5 data points do not make for anything really useful since the point threshold is not met in all cases.  You could make a colorful Voronoi diagram or Delaunay diagram Create Thiessen Polygons—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop or just come up with some symbol(s) scaled by attribute size.  It seems the need to emphasize this meagre data set in a colorful fashion should be re-examined if the attributes are static.  If perhaps they represented movements between locations, you could scrape an arrow or two to show flow.  but perhaps a tabular representation would get the point across.

Emerging Contributor

Thank you. Sometimes the values are in exponent. This doesnt show the image. Why? How to remedy this?

Thank you for your answers.


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MVP Emeritus

You have too few data points to do kriging... or to make any interpolator meaningful.  I suggest the spatial allocation option be followed.

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Deactivated User

Dear Patterson,

Neither the data nor the analysis is not mine. Its someone's research to see how GIS does kriging.

Thank you for the information you have given to me.



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