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Is clip and ship possible with a map service?

11-14-2014 11:46 AM
MVP Frequent Contributor

Is clip and ship possible with a map service? Following the tutorial, it appears you can publish a clip and ship GP service, but it will only work with Arc Map layers (SDE, FGDB layer, etc...) and not a Map/Feature Service. Is that correct? We'd like to be able  to publish a clip and ship that allowes users to extract data from a web map. If this is possible, are there any configuration examples? Not finding any on ERSI web site.

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1 Reply
Esri Esteemed Contributor

If you are the administrator of the service, you will probably have access to the data. In that case you could use something like the ArcGIS Open Data Help | ArcGIS which has feature to allow users to download the data.

In case you are not the owner of the data, you can use the REST API to query the data. A simple way to do this is using some Python code. A small example can be found here:

Please note the services by default are configured to return no more than 1000 features. If you are not the administrator of the service, you will have to do multiple requests on the REST service to obtain all features. You can provide the REST query with a geometry to restrict the results to that geometry.

Kind regards, Xander

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