in the past, i used a lot The Intersect point particular tool in the Hawth's Tool (http://www.spatialecology.com/htools/isect.php). To a point layer, you were able to acquire any field you want from multiple polygons or even rasters. The Hawth's Tool is no longer supported in recent version of ArcGIS. Any idea how to do you quickly...?
Thank you
hawth's tools has changed... is this it? GME | SpatialEcology.Com
That's it. It was re-arranged a few years back, though I don't know the backstory behind the change. Darren Wiens might know.
Chris Donohue, GISP
From what I understand, Hawthorne wanted to get away from the version dependency of ArcGIS AND take advantage of the "R" library.
I've used the Identity tool in ArcToolbox>>Analysis Tools>>Overlay for this task, but also check out Intersect and Spatial Join tools. By default, the Identity tool accepts one identity layer, but if you right click the tool and select 'Batch' you can see if it will allow multiple identity layers.