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information of adjacent polygons

09-30-2012 03:43 AM
by Anonymous User
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Original User: benfis

Hi all,

i'd like to get information of adjacent polygons in to the attributes of a polygon i am interested in. Like a polygone, that represents an acre, and then i want informations about the polygons around in the attribute table of this acre.

Is there a possiblity to transfer the information automatically? 

I am working with ArcGIS 10.1.

I would be very pleased about an answer or a clue, that could help me.


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2 Replies
by Anonymous User
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Original User: graeme

Two tools that you could consider here are:

  • Polygon Neighbours - says it only works with Advanced license but Standard seems to work too - have not tested Basic

  • Calculate Adjacent Fields - appears to only work with rectangular polygons but at all license levels

If neither of the above work out then the SHARE_A_LINE_SEGMENT_WITH relationship of Select Layer By Location may help too.

- Graeme
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Original User: benfis

Thanks a lot for your suggestions!

I tried 'calculate adjacent fields'. This worked, but in this special case i have a polygon-layer which represents a river. i would like to get the information (like class) of the polygons around ideally with the position of the adjacent polygon (right/left hand of the river).

I guess there is no possibility to get this information. 'calculate adjacent fields' was allready helpfull. so i will try to work on this method.

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