I have a base "fishnet" polygon grid. I attempted to create a model that iterates over each cell in that base fishnet grid and subdivide that cell with the Create Fishnet tool into a new feature class.
I expected that I simply would need to set the output from my iterate feature iterator as the 'Template Extent' parameter for the Create Fishnet tool. However, while I can see the name of this iterator output model variable in the drop-down list for the 'Template Extent' parameter; the name does not have the blue Model Variable icon. And more importantly, the template extent does not update at each model iteration.
Is there a way that I can make my model recognize aan iteration output as a template extent? ( see screenshot below)
Mark,I know you are looking for a model solution here, but can you implement this with just straight-up Python code? I had a need for doing this same thing and came up with the code below (it is pulled from a larger script/process, but I peiced it together as best I could and it does work on a 9x9 grid example). You will need to alter the inputLocation and inputFC variables, add the cellHeight and Width you want the output grids to be and it should just work.also: this is for ArcGIS 9.3.1, but again it should just work in newer versions.
import arcgisscripting
gp = arcgisscripting.create(9.3)
#you will need to modify these two parameters for your situation. This is an ex of a pgdb FeatureClass
inputLocation = "\\\\C:\Scratch.mdb"
inputFC = inputLocation + "\\exGRID"
# Open a search cursor on a feature class
rows = gp.searchcursor(inputFC)
row = rows.Next()
i = 1
while row:
gp.AddMessage("Attempting to process polgyon " + str(i))
#Get the shape field
shape = row.shape
#Get the extent object
extent = shape.extent
outputName = "Fishnet_" + str(i)
outFC = inputLocation + "\\" + outputName
#Get the origin (lowerLeft) and y-axis (upperLeft) properties of the polygon
ll = extent.lowerleft
ul = extent.upperleft
ur = extent.upperright
originXY = str(ll.x) + " " + str(ll.y)
yaxisXY = str(ul.x) + " " + str(ul.y)
opp_corner = str(ur.x) + " " + str(ur.y)
gp.AddMessage("LowerLeft (x,y): %f, %f" % (ll.x, ll.y))
gp.AddMessage("UpperLeft (x,y): %f, %f" % (ul.x, ul.y))
gp.AddMessage("XMin: %f" % (extent.xmin))
gp.AddMessage("YMin: %f" % (extent.ymin))
gp.AddMessage("XMax: %f" % (extent.xmax))
gp.AddMessage("YMax: %f" % (extent.ymax))
#keep the cell width/height set to zero as it will use the opp_corner to figure it out
cellWidth = 0
cellHeight = 0
#plug in the #rows/#cols you want the output grids to contain
nrows = 10
ncols = 10
gp.CreateFishnet_management(outFC, originXY, yaxisXY, cellWidth, cellHeight, nrows, ncols, opp_corner)
gp.AddMessage("Created " + outputName)
i = i + 1
row = rows.Next()