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How to import a 3d model generated in sketchup to ARCGIS 10

10-18-2012 07:33 PM
New Contributor
I exported a shapefile to sketchup by using the sketchup extension form ARCGIS 10
with the help of Collada multipatch. and then generated 2d model in the sketchup environment
with all textures applied . Later on when i tried to import the same file into ARCSCENE
by Collada file i am able to get teh 3d model but not able to get the textures which i have given
in Sketchup.
Help me in this issue
thank q
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

There are couple things missing from the workflow, so I don't know exactly how you are importing the model.  The thing to keep in mind is that mutltipatches in a shapefile do not support textures.  Only multipatches in a geodatabase support them.

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