I need to identify the sloped areas of streets within our street centre lines feature class.
Street segments are split at intersections.
Using the Add Surface Information (3D Analyst) tool, I am able to add the min max and avg slope of a segment.
However, some segments have both up and down hill portions. Some have flat portions and then down hill portions. So using the above tool is mis-leading.
What might be best is to identify breakpoints where a sloped portion starts or stops. I can then use these breakpoints to split the line segments and then obtain slopes only for those areas.
Please see the 2 attached images. They depict typical segments that have downhill and uphill sections of the same segment.
I am having difficulty visualizing this process. Can anybody help guide me in the correct direction or offer advice on how to obtain the slopes as outlined above?
I think one solution is to use the SPlit lines at specified distance tool . http://help.arcgis.com/en/arcgisdesktop/10.0/help/index.html#/at_a_specified_distance_or_percentage/...
If I split to 5 m lengths, I could then use the Add Surface Info tool on these then dissolve based on an ordinal classification in a separate field.
How can I use the Splitting lines at specified distance tool in an automated manner? Or is this strictly a manual process?