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How to create a constant numeration of ID (indexing) in an attribute table?

11-13-2013 11:24 AM
Emerging Contributor
Is it possible to create in ArcMap an indexing (as a numbers of ID) in an attribute table of the theme with many objects that manner that it will remain (will not change) during update of this theme?
I found the instrument ???Drop Index (Coverage)???, but it works only with ArcInfo license. Is it possible to create a constant numeration of ID in ArcMap?
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2 Replies
Emerging Contributor
Well, finally I use for index two instruments:

1)At first I sort my fields as I want by Sort tool (Data Management �?? General), that gives me a new theme with sorted attributes and a default index field FID.

2)And then I create a new Double Field �??My_id�?� where I calculate by Field Calculator �??FID+1�?� �?? as a result I receive a constant numeration of my attributes.
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Deactivated User
Some calculate field examples:
Search for "Accumulative and sequential calculations".
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