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How the Reference Bend Baseline used?

10-28-2011 12:28 PM
Emerging Contributor
Hi my friends,

Do you know how the Reference Bend Baseline parameter used in Simplify Tools in ArcGIS Desktop?

I don't know how Bend Simplify Method use it.

For example, I set Reference Bend Baseline  equal to 10 meters. So I think if an arc (an element of polyline) will be remove if it is less than 10 meters . Is this right?

I hope you will help me!
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3 Replies
by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
No, it is not that simple. The following help topic has some details, if you are interested:
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Emerging Contributor
No, it is not that simple. The following help topic has some details, if you are interested:

Thanks Dan Lee,

You helped me. And I know, about Generalization, you are very famous!
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by Esri Regular Contributor
Esri Regular Contributor
You are welcome! Thanks for your kind comment.

Best regards.
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