I have:
- a big map of my country
- a shapefile with a "reference area"
- several coordinates to identify some points
I should:
- put the points on the map
- draw the minimum convex polygon for the points
- find the percentage of the MCP included into the reference area.
Could someone help me explaining step-by-step how to proceed?
I guess it's really easy but I never used ArcGIS before.
Thank you in advance
To start, some additional questions:
In general, you will probably need to plot the points on the map. This can be done with XY events: Make XY Event Layer—Help | ArcGIS Desktop
To create a convex hull polygon you can use the tool Minimum Bounding Geometry—Help | ArcGIS Desktop . This will require an Advanced license of Desktop, but can be achieved with some minor scripting and a Basic license.
With the area derived from the MCP you can use the Intersect—Help | ArcGIS Desktop tool to determine the overlapping area and calculate the percentage.
Hi Xander,
thanks a lot for your reply
I attach you a screenshot to be clearer. This is the situation:
in short, I have a .shp and a dtm.
Coordinates are X_UTM and Y_UTM, they are in a normal excel file at the moment. I am using ArcMap in ArcGIS Desktop 10.6. I got the student edition ArcGIS Desktop Advanced (Single Use).
In you screenshot I notice a raster layer with the terrain model of the Alps. I assume that this layer is not used in the process you described, right?
Have you tried to create the XY events layer using the tool I mentioned? You license will have access to the Convex Hull tool, so that is not a problem. It would be good to load the shapefile "gringlia4X4_2017.shp" into a File Geodatabase and write the Convex Hull also to a FGDB. This way the area will be managed by ArcGIS and are directly available to you.