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Grouping adjacent cells by given number

06-16-2014 07:14 AM
New Contributor
Hello everybody,

we have a vector polygon made by 1'206'198 (500x500m) cells.

We need to make groups of 9 adjacent cells (3x3). The selected cells must belong to one and only one group.

A complication is that our grid is not regular but it is a bit distorted in order to account for the sferical and irregular terrestial surface.

Is ther any tool or proven procedure to achieve such a result?

Thanks in advance!
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3 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor
Hi Marco,

Not sure if this will give you the results you are looking for, but take a look at the Block Statistics tool.
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Occasional Contributor III
What do you mean by 'not regular'?  Are the cells not all perfect squares, is the distribution of the cells not rectangular, or are there cases where the 3 x 3 groupings will leave left-overs? 

If the  cells are squares and the distribution of squares lends itself to 3 x 3 groupings across the surface then...
Use the create fishnet tool to generate a feature class of cells that are 1500m x 1500m.  Then use a spatial join to populate the original cells with the OID of the 1500 x 1500 cells.
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New Contributor
What do you mean by 'not regular'?  Are the cells not all perfect squares, is the distribution of the cells not rectangular, or are there cases where the 3 x 3 groupings will leave left-overs? 

If the  cells are squares and the distribution of squares lends itself to 3 x 3 groupings across the surface then...
Use the create fishnet tool to generate a feature class of cells that are 1500m x 1500m.  Then use a spatial join to populate the original cells with the OID of the 1500 x 1500 cells.

Exactly, the cells are not perfect squares and their distribution is not rectangular, it is the Italy shape, so left-overs are likely to be created.

Do you have any idea in this case?
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