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Geoprocessor return value

10-28-2012 03:43 PM
Deactivated User
Apologies for cross-posting

I am using ArcGIS 10.1 and Python to create a toolbox (a script and a model) and then publish it as a geoprocessing service. One of the return values is like a table, with fixed columns but unfixed number of rows. What type of output should I choose? Table? Table View?

By the way, I am using Flex Builder 4.6 to develop the client and get the return value. How can I parse the output value defined in Python generated from the server?

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1 Reply
Deactivated User
Use Table.  "Table View" is for tables in ArcMap's table of contents.  Like a Feature Layer, a Table View can have a selection.

For the output value, you will need to query the result object.  The result object has a .getOutput method.
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