After Geoprocessing (trying various Tools) I notice that sometimes the Geometry Fields (Area, Length, etc.) are automatically updated for the new Feature record and sometimes they are not. ...Why is this?
Is there some concept to understand or List that explains which types of Tools provide these geometry updates and which do not?
Thanks for that info. Hmmm, you've got me thinking.
...By "copy" of a Field, so do simply mean the User made a copy of that Geometry Field, so its no longer the authentic field automatically generated by ArcGIS? ...If so, is there an example of when a User might do this? ...or see below:
How about when a User wants to re-calculate Area in different Units, but wants to create a New Field to populate, so as not to disturb the original Field values, and with the advantage of renaming it something distinguishable like "Area_sq_mi" ...would this have the "copy/snapshot effect" and no longer update automatically after running another Tool?
...Well, wait a minute 😉
I just geoprocessed two Shapefile polygons (using Intersect) and noticed that 3 new Fields were added (2 Lengths and 1 Area).
I was under the impressions Shapefiles would not create new or re-calculate geometry ...that this was only possible using Geodatabases.
Anyone have an explanation?
OK, I see now that those Fields were transferred from the original Input polygon Layers.
And after further review I now see that some of the new Geometry Fields "appeared" to have been re-calculated because I had verified that their values were indeed correct! ...But as I scrolled down to investigate other Features/Records, I started to see some that were not correct. So, I think what I am seeing is that the result of the Geoprocessing > Intersect did not alter some of the features to their geometry values are still valid, but it did others, as well as add some brand new Features/Records, and those are not valid ...and would only be if I re-calculated their geometry.
...Am I back on the right track?