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Find Location

08-12-2014 06:47 PM
Deactivated User

Hi Experts,


GIS new bee here. I appreciate your valuable inputs to my problem:


I have two shape files - 1. population by blocks for a zip code - 85280 2. average daily traffic data (number of vehicles) of all streets in 85280. I need to find Location on map  such that spot should have population > 10,000 and traffic count > 2,000 in 3 mile radius.


Any idea/suggestion/comments





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1. Set defintion query on your zip code layer using [Population Field] > 10000

2. Set defintion query on your traffic data using [Traffic Field] > 2000

3. Create a buffer on traffic data layer using buffer distance 3 miles ArcGIS Help 10.1

4. Perform spatial intersection between your zip code layer (step 1) and buffer feature class created in step 3 ArcGIS Help 10.1

5. Any point on the resulting feature class is the point you are interested in.

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