Dear Community,
i have got a little problem with the "Extract by Mask" toolset.
I`ve got a multidimensional raster layer and I want to cut it by a country border mask.
But I am using the time slider and after extracting it, there is no time field in the properties after cutting it. So i can't use the time slider and the animation after that.
Why is it like that?
Thanks in advance!
I think the clue lies in.... Extract by Mask (Spatial Analyst)—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
What is the output format? and is the time field calculated?
There are also several Related questions to the right of your question post... maybe one of those is related to yours
Try *.tif as an output file type.
Your raster mask name.... What is it?, I hope it isn't an esri grid. It seems to begin with an _ and contains too many characters and contains punctuation ( aka ( ) )
You should be using *.tif files and saving to a folder, you have to add *.tif ( my_mask.tif ) to get a tif, if you specify a folder location without an extension you get an esri raster/grid. If you specify a geodatabase you get a gdb raster... *.tif works and is recommended as the "preferred" raster format (can't find the help link right now)
There is no abbreviation behind the raster name. But in the properties you can see it is an AFR. Whatever that is supposed to mean. 🙂 I already searched for a converting tool for that into a .tif formate, but haven`t found it yet.
Maybe you know more...
Thanks in advance!
Copy Raster .... save to a folder with a *.tif extension
Hello Andrea. My name is Yu Wang, a Product Engineer from Spatial Analyst team. As you mentioned in your thread, you are using a multidimensional raster layer, however, “Extract by Mask” tool does not support multidimensional input. When you have a multidimensional raster data as input, only the first slice will be processed. The proper tool is to use the Subset Multidimensional Raster tool and set the extent using your mask data. Here are two pictures showing the process:
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Hello YuWang,
thanks for your informative response!
I just tried it, but if I use a polygon Layer as a Country border it is not working.
The extent stays the same like the raster extent.
Thanks in advance!
@YuWang1 I am trying to do this also and it is not working. The extent just goes to a bounding box so if the area I want is not square it does not work. Any ideas? This is a common issue with Esri tools it seems assuming squares all the time.
I am trying to combine two CRF files with a different extent but perfectly aligned at the cell level. Been trying everything. Snap raster does not do it either.