I am trying to populate two fields (BeginM and EndM) with the begin and end measures from route features. Does anyone have any tips on how this can be done? Note - I don't want Min and Max M's blindly placed in BeginM and EndM respectively, as the measures may run the opposite way of the linear feature.
Thanks for any help you can give!
Matt Koukol
Look at ArcGIS Help (10.2, 10.2.1, and 10.2.2). I'm not sure that hyperlink pasted correctly. If it doesn't go the right place search
Calculate Field (Data Management)
This will explain how to use the field calculator to get properties of the geometry object like firstPoint.M and lastPoint.M. So you would add two columns for your from and to measures and populate them with the field calculator.
Hi Matt, try the AddGeometryAttributes tool. It has the ability to calculate line start/end M values. It's in the Data Management toolbox.
Use the Field Calculator with Python parser:
BeginM = !Shape.firstPoint.M!
EndM = !Shape.lastPoint.M!
will return the start and end measure of the each polylineM to fields BeginM and EndM