Thanks I'll give this a try ultimately my goal is to run network analyst to determine the distance and time (round trip) it takes to get from the points to a set destination and I needed a way to tell what points were in each buffered area so I can get an overall average for each buffer. I'm trying to avoid double counting so maybe I''ll try one of the latter methods first
There are ways to determine if you have overlapping points generated by overlapping buffers. You would have to describe the rules you would want to follow for choosing one buffer over another, but the technique is the same.Assuming you are at 10.0 or higher, calculate a field on the Spatial Join output called X_Y_Link and use this calculation if you use State Plane coordinates, or modify the number format for other coordinate systems:Parser: PythonUse Codeblock: checkedPre-Logic Script Code:def Output(FirstPoint):
FPX = round(float(FirstPoint.X), 4)
FPY = round(float(FirstPoint.Y), 4)
return "{%(FX)012.4f}{%(FY)012.4f}" % {'FX': FPX, 'FY': FPY}
Expression: Output(!Shape.FirstPoint!)Now you can use the X_Y_LINK field to perform a Summary Statistics operation where this field is the case field and find all instances where the Frequency is higher than 1. You can get any summary values like Min and Max of the buffer FIDs associated to the points. then you have to decide what you want to do about assigning the points to only one of the buffers. Probably I can come up with a method if you can describe your rules for making that choice.