Dear all,
we have a model that uses these tools: Add Field, Append, Calculate Field, Copy, Cut Fill, Extract by Attributes, Extract data, Generate Near Table, Get Field Value, Make Feature Layer, Merge Branch , Minus, Project, Project raster, Raster to Polygon, Select Layers By Attribute, Send email with att., Slice, Table Select + a few custom python scripts. Model works fine from desktop environment, also a publishing to ArcGis server was without problems.
After running from ArcGis server we receive an error:
Error executing tool.: The value does not exist.
The value is empty.
ERROR 000670: output Output data element is same as input Input Data..
I don't know which tool inside model causing the error. There is no other info in server log (set to debug level).
Any one has experience with such an error?
Is there a possibility of better logging/debugging to solve the error?
Thank you, Miro Slovakia