Hi all,
I am attempting to convert a line shapefile to a coverage using Arc10. Although I could do this yesterday, today I can't for the life of me get it to work. I'm getting the following error message:
ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Invalid topology [Bad file type.]
Failed to execute (FeatureclassToCoverage).
I have given both the destination folder (which is the same as the existing folder) and the ArcGIS/Desktop/bin folder write permission. In the past, that was enough, but today this did not work. I have tried quitting arcmap and restarting my computer. This also did not work.
I have tried cleaning the geometry, to no avail.
I have no trouble converting to a raster. I have no trouble converting to a coverage when I use arc type instead of route type. Unfortunately I need routes.
Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks!