While trying to run the Reverse Geocode tool in ArcCatalog, I am running into a 'ERROR 000584 Implementation of this tool's validate is invalid' error. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
Thanks in advance,
Please provide the following information which might be helpful to troubleshoot the issue: -
I hope this helps!
Thank you for the response on this, and I apologize for the delayed response. I was trying to use ESRI's World Geocoding Service without a necessary ArcGIS Online for organizations subscription. I was wrongly assuming the service might be included in our organization's enterprise licensing.
Here's an option to try that worked for me when I got the same error from ExportMetadata_conversion. If you are not already using the arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace setting, then add the following to the top of your script:
arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = arcpy.env.scratchGDB
After many hours of trial-and-error, I stumbled on the the fact that the ExportMetadata_conversion script to wants to touch the arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, even though the documentation says it will fall back to " the location defined by the system TEMP environment variable." For me the default for scratchWorkspace was None. If I set it to a folder that I have write access to then the script runs. If I set it to a folder that I do not have write access to then the I get the 000584 error again. Since the arcpy.env.scratchGDB is "guaranteed to exist when your script or model runs", using that seems to work for everyone in my organization that has to run the script.