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Eliminate tool in model builder

07-21-2010 11:15 AM
Regular Contributor
I have a model which, in theory, runs the watershed tool, converts the raster to polygon, adds "WS_Area" field and calculates it, uses "make feature layer" to select polygons less than 10000 square meters and "eliminate"s them.

Before the model even runs I get a message box with the following errors:
[indent]"Field WS_Area does not exist within table
Input must be polygon
Input features: value is required
output layer: value is required"[/indent]

Seems similar to this thread:
to which to solution was posted.

I found no mention of this in the new forums and was wondering if anyone could think of what the problem is.

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor
I have a model which, in theory, runs the watershed tool, converts the raster to polygon, adds "WS_Area" field and calculates it, uses "make feature layer" to select polygons less than 10000 square meters and "eliminate"s them.

Before the model even runs I get a message box with the following errors:
[indent]"Field WS_Area does not exist within table
Input must be polygon
Input features: value is required
output layer: value is required"[/indent]

Yes, it looks like the output data elements are not getting the shape type correct in one of the steps.  I was able to reproduce here using a similiar scenario.

On my end, I was able to work around this by running just the RasterToPolygon tool in the model, and then re-validating the model. 

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Emerging Contributor
I also have a question about model builder and how to eliminate, I first did a "calculate areas" on my polygonal feature layer.
Now, I would love to follow it by a "select layer by attribute" on which I will select every polygon with an area<10000 and after I will do an "eliminate" but on both (�??select layer by attribute�?� and �??eliminate�?�) tools I have no access to the shapefile from my last tool.
When I'm doing it outside of the model builder on ArcMap-ArcInfo it works pretty well.
Any idea of how I can do an eliminate on too small polygons?
Thank you!
New Contributor

model Eliminate Tool

insert after  iterator, tool "make Feature Layer" an done

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