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DTED and elevation

11-19-2013 09:41 AM
New Contributor
I have loaded a shp file and some DTED data and into ArcMap.  I created a custom BaseTool in C# that finds the layers that intersect the point clicked.  When I click on a point that intersects the shp file layer, I am able to cast that to IRowIdentifyObject and extract the Fields and Values from the Row.  But when I try to get the elevation data from the DTED layer I have no luck.  It comes into C# as a COM Object and I need to know the specific interfaces it supports so I can cast it and access the elevation data.  I also need to get the slope and upslope (azimuth) values. 

I searched the ArcObjects SDK for elevation, but could not find an interface that the DTED layer supports.  I tried IGlobeLayerProperties, esriGlobeDataType, ILayerExtensions, IGlobeDisplay, IFeatureLayer, ISurface, IFeature, IARGlobe, ITinSurfaceElement, IGlobeDisplayLayers and every interface in ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto (created code to generate a class that tested each interface). 

I also tried using the ZMax and Zmin on the IGeometry (casted to an Envelope). 

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