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Drive Times Model

09-15-2011 11:37 AM
Frequent Contributor
I am new to model builder and I am attempting to create a drive time model to create drive times around our branch locations. The model is functioning when using small drive times. I am attempting to do 1 and 2 hour drive times around our 43 branch locations and I am getting unexpected errors. I am wondering if there is a was to streamline the model to make it more effecient. Any ideas?
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3 Replies
Esri Contributor
Hi Brian,
   Your model looks correct. The issues that you are seeing are because you are trying to solve a large problem and the ArcGIS process is running out of memory.  It might help if you run this with ArcGIS 10 on a 64 Bit OS. That way the model can consume upto 3 GB of RAM if availabe. Other options are to solve smaller problems. For example instead of solving 43 branch locations at once try solving with only 5 branch locations at one time and repeat. You can eventually combine the output polygons from multiple runs into a single feature class using the Merge tool. You can use the new Iterators that Model Builder supports at ArcGIS 10 such as Iterate Feature Selection to repeat the same model. As you will running the same model multiple times, in your model you should also delete the Network Analyst Layer that is output from the Solve tool using Delete tool. The layer should be deleted only after you have executed copy features. This can be achieved using precondition in your model.

Hope this helps
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That first thought was that the problem was a large one to analyze. I hope to upgrade the computer we are running on soon.

I am running a few locations at a time. That is the reason for the Expression Parameter on the select function. I have not played around with Iterations yet. I will have to research them and give it a try. For now I am just running manually and using the merge tool manually to combine all my outputs.

One last question. Why is my parameter window appearing as a table? (see attachment)  I am not used to seeing it this way.

Thanks for your help.
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