Anybody have any insight on why this is failing? (Line 62 below).
I am trying to update a text field using a DA Update Cursor. Please help!
Traceback (most recent call last): File "\\bctsdata.bcgov\tsg_root\General_User_Workspace\Recce_Data\scripts\UploadPDFReports\", line 135, in <module> UploadPDFReports(fcBlockPolygons, dirReceivedReports) File "\\bctsdata.bcgov\tsg_root\General_User_Workspace\Recce_Data\scripts\UploadPDFReports\", line 105, in UploadPDFReports cursor.updateRow(row) RuntimeError: Object invalid or no longer set.
def GetOperArea_SpatialIntersect(fcOperArea, flds, shp): fcOperArea = gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcOperArea) gp.SelectLayerByLocation_management(fcOperArea, "INTERSECT", shp ) with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fcOperArea, flds) as cursor: for row in cursor: #gp.AddMessage("District:{0} OpArea:{1}".format(row[0], row[1])) sDist = row[0] sOp = row[1] sBlkRepDir = os.path.join(sReportDir, sDist, sOp) #gp.AddMessage(sBlkRepDir) if os.path.exists(sBlkRepDir): return sBlkRepDir else: os.makedirs(sBlkRepDir) gp.AddMessage("**Need to create output directory:{}".format(sBlkRepDir)) return sBlkRepDir def UploadPDFReports(fcRecceBlks, dirReports): lstDist = [] startDir = sReportDir #--Hardcoded field values that must exist #--Block Polygon attributes fldBlkName = "BLOCK_NAME" fldLink = "FILE_LINK" #--Operating Area attributes fldDist = "MOF_DISTRI" fldOpCode = "OP_AREA" fldOpArea = "AREA_NAME" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Loop through PDF Reports #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #print dirReports #gp.AddMessage(dirReports) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dirReports, True): for file in filenames: if "_RecceReport.pdf" in file: sBlock = file.split("_")[0] gp.AddMessage("Recce Report: " + sBlock) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #Loop through associated block spatial #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ iCnt = 0 exp = fldBlkName + " = '{0}'".format(sBlock) gp.AddMessage(exp) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fcRecceBlks, ("SHAPE@XY", fldLink), where_clause=exp) as cursor: for row in cursor: #--Get the centroid of the polygon. Use the polygon centroid to determine which Op Area it's in pnt = row[0] shp = arcpy.Point() shp.X = pnt[0] shp.Y = pnt[1] gp.AddMessage(row[1]) sCurrLink = NzStr(row[1]) pntGeom = arcpy.PointGeometry(shp) #--Get the directory to store the report based on the spatial operating area #lyrOpArea = gp.MakeFeatureLayer_management(fcOpArea) sBlkRepDir = GetOperArea_SpatialIntersect(fcOpArea, (fldDist, fldOpArea), pntGeom) sLink = os.path.join(sReportDir, sBlkRepDir, file) gp.AddMessage("*{0}".format(sLink)) row[1] = sLink cursor.updateRow(row)
Solved! Go to Solution.
I solved the problem.
The outer da.UpdateCursor is open on a feature class in the same workspace as the featureclass where the da.SearchCursor is open in the 'GetOperArea_SpatialIntersect' function. So, it seems you cannot open an Update Cursor and then open a SearchCursor on the same workspace and expect to update the original cursor.
I am sure I could rewrite the code to start and end edit operations on the Update cursor. I only structured the data in the same workspace for testing purposes - in production this will not be an issue in my case.
Any chance that the length of sLink that you are putting back in row[1] exceeds the maximum length of the column?
Good thought. I just ran it over a few records. The file path is coming back in the 120 - 130 length range. Field is defined up to 200.
I solved the problem.
The outer da.UpdateCursor is open on a feature class in the same workspace as the featureclass where the da.SearchCursor is open in the 'GetOperArea_SpatialIntersect' function. So, it seems you cannot open an Update Cursor and then open a SearchCursor on the same workspace and expect to update the original cursor.
I am sure I could rewrite the code to start and end edit operations on the Update cursor. I only structured the data in the same workspace for testing purposes - in production this will not be an issue in my case.