Is it possible to create a vector tile cache using ArcGIS Desktop 10.5!!
are you talking about a feature cache?
Yes Dan. I've a feature class of a continent. I need to publish as a web map so that it should render fast.
If you have ArcMap and you are on maintenance you also have access to ArcGIS Pro. As far as I can see the creation of vector tiles is not possible using ArcMap. You will have to use ArcGIS Pro: Author a map for vector tile creation—ArcGIS Pro | ArcGIS Desktop
Thanks Xander. I'll try it.
I'm guessing a vector tile cache is unable to be viewed via ArcMap / ArcEngine?
from Xander's link, even the alternatives would limit you
Alternatively, you can use the Create Vector Tile Package tool. This tool will generate a complete vector tile package, a .vtpk file from a map or a basemap. You can then share and use the vector tiles in ArcGIS Online or ArcGIS Enterprise.