Hi everyone,
I have a polygon (.shp) and a shapefile (.shp) and I would need to calculate the percentage of the polygon overlapping with the shapefile.
Someone suggested me to ude the Intersect function, but I can't figure out how.
Could someone tell me how to proceed, step by step?
thank you in advance!
The ideal tool would be Identity, but it's only available with advanced license.
Alternatively, first calculate the original area into a new field in your polygon file. Intersect it with the other file. This will leave you with a polygon showing only the overlap between the two files, but the attribute table will still hold the original area value. Calculate the new area into a new field. Calculate percent between original and new area.
Hi Darren, thank you for replying. I can use Identity. How would you proceed with it?
It depends exactly how your files are organized, but essentially you run the tool between your two files and calculate area.
Got it. I have another problem. My shapefile "griglia4x4" is like this:
while I need it to be only one polygon, with only one area. How can I trasform it?
See Dissolve. If memory serves, don't fill in a field to dissolve by to get a single feature (but, you may have to create a new dummy field and populate with a single value and dissolve on that).
I used identity (but I also tried with intersect and it's the same).
Instead of getting a new polygon with its area in the attribute table, I get this:
I need to know the area of the intersect...
Calculate the area of the yellow polygon into a new field. Calculating area, length, and other geometric properties—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
I am old fashion.... when I do overlapping percentages .. I use a semi-manual arithmatic process..... described here. This does work, although it does take time to work through the process.
Logic also works for polygons in one layer.