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Calculating boundaries of different adjacent polygons

08-26-2012 02:33 PM
Frequent Contributor
Attached you can see a meadow (selected polygon) and i want to calculate the length of the shared boundary with the blue, green, red, black polygons and store this length information in the meadow attribute table. (e.g: red: 150m, blue: 200m etc..)

Is this possible?


best regards
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10 Replies
Frequent Contributor
...and i've in my whole map not always perfect hand drawn polygons (meadows, woods, fields...) touching each other or overlapping.
is there an easy way to get rid of this problem?
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Regular Contributor
How have you stored the polygon data? i.e. individual shapefiles for each colour/class, single shapefile with attribute symbology, geodatabase feature classes or shapefiles?
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Honored Contributor
...and i've in my whole map not always perfect hand drawn polygons (meadows, woods, fields...) touching each other or overlapping.
is there an easy way to get rid of this problem?

You could set up topology rules and use the topology editing tools to correct the hand drawn polygons so they don't overlap or have gaps.
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Frequent Contributor
How have you stored the polygon data? i.e. individual shapefiles for each colour/class, single shapefile with attribute symbology, geodatabase feature classes or shapefiles?

Calculation should be done between polygons from:

Feature Class "Grasslands" with different subtypes
Feature Class "Fields" with different subtypes
Feature Class "Woods" with different subtypes
And single Feature classes for infrastructure: residential areas...

and i need the output stored into the attribute table of the grasslands subtypes.
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Frequent Contributor
You could set up topology rules and use the topology editing tools to correct the hand drawn polygons so they don't overlap or have gaps.

sounds good, have to check this first out for myself. could work. thanks!
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Frequent Contributor
I think you may have to convert your polygons to polylines, make sure they are attributed by the classes you are interested in, and then perform an intersection or a spatial join between the datasets to do this.  I'm not sure that you can achieve what you want with polygons.
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Frequent Contributor
hm, polylines sounds like a workaround.
Calculating the boundary length of each other touching polygons not easier possible?

best regards
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Frequent Contributor
You could set up topology rules and use the topology editing tools to correct the hand drawn polygons so they don't overlap or have gaps.

checked out the topology and a question therefore: isn't it possible to make a topology between different feature class datasets?
Do I have to put all feature classes together in ONE Featuer class dataset, between which I want to use topology rules?

so I want to build a topology between feature class "Gruenlandflaechen" (grasslands) and feature class "Wald" (wood) which is in another feature dataset "Feldinfrastruktur"

an if it's just possible to get topology working by using one feature dataset: what's the best and fastest way to put all feature classes into one dataset?

best regards
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Honored Contributor
A topology only works on the feature classes in the feature dataset it is in. It is basically a database function that works in the database it is in.

Yes, you can set up the topology to work on just one feature class in the feature dataset. For example, you can say you want there to be no gaps and no overlaps between the features in the feature class.

My understanding is that if you want to include more than one feature class in the topology, they MUST to be in the same dataset as the topology.

A fast way to get all the feature classes in one dataset is to use ArcCatalog. Right click on the feature dataset, choose import, choose Feature Class (multiple). See image:

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