Bear with me here, I have really never been exposed to python or scripting and I really do want to learn these skills in depth, but the situation at hand requires I quickly do this. I have a shapefile of polygons (they are parcels) and I need to put this layer on an online application that will only draw the polygon boundaries if there is a field with Well Known Text coordinates of the vertices.
I really don't even know where to start with doing something like this. I know that it can be done though. Can someone get me started with what I would need to write and where I would need to write this, I'm assuming the Python window?
Let's just say the file is called "Authority_own" and the field I want to add is "WKT_vert", could you show what this WKT script/command should look like or how to do this.
Thank you to all who answer.
Did you check the help files links associated WKT in arcpy?