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05-02-2013 11:32 AM
Deactivated User
I'll will find out the difference in population between year 2000 and 2013. I have a feature class file with the population in year 2000 and 2013 that are connected to the municipal number and that is a point theme. What I want is to have is a buffer zones around each point and the size of the buffer zone is determined by the number of residents that each point has. I the population has increased the buffer zone will get a red color and where the population has decreased the buffer zone is  will be blue. Is there anyone who can help me with this? Whether as a model in the Model Builder, Python or toolbox.

Thank you in advance

Tom Anders
0 Kudos
1 Reply
Honored Contributor
Create a buffer based on the population.  The buffer analysis tool can do that.

However if the population is say 500,000 it is going to make a huge buffer.  and if the smallest is 250 the buffer will be tiny compared to the bigger place.

so do some math and create a buffer attribute to determine the size of the buffer. 

Perhaps taking into account your largest location and considering its full size to be 100%.  make its buffer size at 100

If that size is 123000 then 100%=123000 or 1% =1230 population.  so a commmunity of 1230 would get buffered at 1 to you calculate the size of any smaller community based on that percentage.  You will have to play around with units on the buffer to determine what size would look good.  If your map is representing 100s mile across perhaps a good size for the big one would be 100 decimeters (200 dm diameter)

have another attribute make it a yes/no.  Do calculations to determine if the population has increased and make those polygons yes and the others no.  then you can symbolize the polygons based on that attribute.

I'll will find out the difference in population between year 2000 and 2013. I have a feature class file with the population in year 2000 and 2013 that are connected to the municipal number and that is a point theme. What I want is to have is a buffer zones around each point and the size of the buffer zone is determined by the number of residents that each point has. I the population has increased the buffer zone will get a red color and where the population has decreased the buffer zone is  will be blue. Is there anyone who can help me with this? Whether as a model in the Model Builder, Python or toolbox.

Thank you in advance

Tom Anders
0 Kudos