I am trying to get a buffer around highway lines based on the traffic counts upon such highway. For Example, I have highway IH10 with a count of 120,000 cars. Using the proximity buffer tool I am trying to get it to draw a buffer around the highway based on the 120,000 count. I'll need the buffer to change along the highway based on different traffic counts. For example, in one spot there could be 120,000 cars and another there might be 50,000 cars.
You could create a new numeric field in your attribute table of the "distance" based on the traffic counts. I would apply a distance (in meters, i.e. 10, 20, 30... etc.) which you could then use as the field for the buffer distance when you perform the buffer tool.
For example:
1 - 10,000 = 10
10,000 - 20,000 = 20
20,000 - 30,000 = 30 ...
the divisions are entirely up to you and what works well with your data.
To get my counts onto the highway would I use the Add Route Events? Correct. My count layer is a separate shapefile with x and y corrdinates in the table.
Hi Michelle,
If your highway center line is already a route feature class, then you'll need to locate features along route first to create a event table. ArcGIS Desktop
Now you can create route event layer with your route feature class and event table.
But since you have got your features as points, you may want to convert your point events to line events (start chainage and end chainage) to represent a section of road.
Below logic will create a line event where the point chainage falls exactly in the middle. If this is an onetime exercise then using an excel would be easy. If this is an ongoing exercise then you may want to explore python.
Start chainage = Previous point chainage + current chainage / 2, if no previous point then 0
End chainage = Next point chainage + current chainage / 2, if no next point then max chainage of route
PS: Can you let me know what your use case is, Just curious to know why would you buffer your highway on volume.
Actually, we are getting a count file with the beginning and ending mile points in our table. Then we should be able to add the route events to the highway layer. Question though! When I add my route shapefile to the make route event layer parameters it gives me an X. Does that mean it needs something other than shapefile?
can you post a screenshot?