I am trying to use arcpy to loop through 20 or so feature classes, select by attribute certain rows and export to a new feature class. The field names are all different, so I want to identify if these words exist in ANY of the fields in the entire attribute table. Below is my script, but I keep getting hung up on: TypeError: argument of type 'int' is not iterable.
import arcpy
import os
import sys
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from arcpy.sa import Con
from arcpy.sa import *
arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True
inworkspace = r'F:\St Kateri Conservation Center\GIS\Ohio\Ohio_parcels_prj_2.gdb'
outworkspace_c = r'F:\St Kateri Conservation Center\GIS\Ohio\Ohio_C_Parcels.gdb'
outworkspace_results = r'F:\St Kateri Conservation Center\GIS\RESULTS\Ohio_Results.gdb'
#set the environment
arcpy.env.workspace = inworkspace
parcels = arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()
for fc in parcels:
infc = fc
outname = "c_" + fc
outfc = os.path.join(outworkspace_c, outname)
arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(infc, outfc)
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(infc,"*") as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if any(['Cat' in substring for substring in row]):
elif any(['St' in substring for substring in row]):
elif any(['CAT' in substring for substring in row]):
elif any(['Sisters' in substring for substring in row]):
elif any(['Saint' in substring for substring in row]):
you should limit your fields to string/text fields at least
ListFields—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
before you try to search them
I agree with DanPatterson. I think its bailing because your asking it to iterate through strings to find "CAT" and "St" and its saying "I can't do that because this is an integer". ListFields looks like it could be useful here. The returned fields know their datatypes.