We are getting ready to upgrade our enterprise database to 10.3 which no longer supports application connections.
So I have written a script that will walk through all mxd files in a directory and replace all the application connections with direct connects.
The problem I've encountered...
When a mxd document has connections that do not save the username and password a dialog box pops up and the script pauses until the dialog box is manually closed.
According to Example 4 in ESRIs documentation MapDocument—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop
We simply need to create a connection using the Create ArcSDE Connection File—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop tool before calling the MapDocument function.
Since my main goal is to use direct connects instead of application connections I am using Create Database Connection—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop instead and it is not suppressing the dialog box.
And in the ListBrokenDataSources—Help | ArcGIS for Desktop documentation it clearly states "The arcpy.mapping scripting environment will, by default, supress these dialogs during execution".
This does not seem to be the case and is a major issue when we have hundreds maybe even thousands of mxd files to update.
Esri Technical Support Please advice on how to suppress the dialog in the arcpy.mapping scripting environment.
Can anyone from ESRI comment on this?
This is a serious show stopper for automating tasks!
I am adding some more groups for more visibility....
Python Developers Geodatabase
If this is a show stopper, I would recommend login a case with Technical Support also to possible get to a resolution more quickly.