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An error has occurred in the script on this page

10-16-2012 08:09 AM
New Contributor
When opening any tools in the ArcToolbox I get this message.

The message also contains Line 318 (different for each tool) Char 48, Error expected ';', code 0, URL file ///C:/....(shows the path to where i have arc saved on my computer)

This is ArcGIS 10, which I got from the ESRI workbook "understanding GIS An ArcGIS Project Workbook"

I saw some other forum threads with similar issues where suggestions to delete or rename the ArcToolbox folder or the user profile where made with some reporting that resolved the issue and others saying it didn't do anything.

Any help would be appreciated!
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2 Replies
New Contributor III
I'm getting the same error. Did you ever find a resolution to this?

I am at 10.1.
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