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"You are not licensed for Geodatabase Editor"

01-24-2013 11:02 AM
New Contributor
I am running 10.1 SP1 on a Windows 7, 64-bit machine with 28GB of RAM and a 2TB drive. I recently started getting the error "You are not licensed for GEodatabase Editor." whenever I try to do any sort of geoprocessing. This perplexes me to no end as I'm trying to reproject a shapefile and I have never heard of the Geodatabase Editor. What the heck is it? It isn't an extension that I've ever heard of. I've been running 10.1 SP1 for a few months now and did not have this trouble previously. I have checked the .Net framework and I'm running the most recent version, 4.5.

Any thoughts? I'm about to submit a ticket.

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29 Replies
Deactivated User

It has been a while since I've tried to figure out this issue and I believe our IT department did call ESRI support but I cannot recall what exactly they were told to try but I do remember that whatever they suggested did not appear to fix my issue.

It seems that those that have posted here might have slightly different issues but all seem related to background geoprocessing.

Here are my details:
- I have an Advanced floating license
- I do not believe our licenses were or are near expiring
- The error only occured when I had the 64-bit BG geoprocessing update installed AND BG geoprocessing enabled.  I think it was fine with foreground processing but I'm not 100% sure.  When I uninstalled the 64-bit BG geoprocessing service pack, everything was fine and I was able to successfully run geoprocessing operations again in the background.
- This appeared to be an issue for all geoprocessing tools
- The only other ESRI application I had installed was ArcExplorer Desktop

We are currently finishing up a large migration project and are running several large geoprocessing operations so for the foreseeable future will not be able to reinstall the 64-bit BG geoprocessing service pack to try any further testing.  Perhaps in a couple months things will be settled down and I can test it again.

If you have any other questions let me know,


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Esri Regular Contributor
Thanks for the quick response, Joel.
Unfortunately I'm still not sure how to get this error to appear.
I'm still working on it.
If anyone else has details to add, please add a post.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for the quick response, Joel.
Unfortunately I'm still not sure how to get this error to appear.
I'm still working on it.
If anyone else has details to add, please add a post.

I've submitted a ticket last night for this with ESRI. The only thing I can add from our end, like I mentioned in my previous post is that we are only seeing this error show up on new computers that have not had ArcGIS installed in the past. All machines that went from ArcGIS 10.0 to ArcGIS 10.1 are not seeing the error. I will post more info once I have it
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Esri Regular Contributor
Thats helpful, thanks. I believe I've tried that, but will re-do that test as well.
Could you post the incident number?

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Deactivated User
I upgraded from 10.0 to 10.1 on the same machine not a new machine with a completely new ArcGIS install.
And like I said it only started when I installed the 64-bit background geoprocessing service pack.

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Esri Regular Contributor
Hmmm ...thanks for re-posting Joel.
I've tried the way mentioned above (fresh machine) as well as an update.
I'm still at a loss to reproduce this.

If anyone is up for this - would you download Belarc Advisor from:
This little piece of software basically takes a snap shot of your system (hardware specs, programs installed), etc. It saves the information to a text file.
If you're encountering this issue and have the ability to install, get the report and email me ( it might prove helpful in seeing what is on your system that I dont have (which might be causing this).
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Deactivated User
As strange as this will sound, all the machines that were experiencing this issue are working fine. Now it looks silly that I put in the support request and nothing seems to be wrong anymore, oh well, but I am still going to check out with some of colleagues in other offices that have seen that error. I am going to try replicating it again as the ESRI support contact, was also not able to reproduce the error [CASE#141300] as well.

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Deactivated User
The saga continues.

I got my hands on a new machine fresh windows install, brand new installation of ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 with 64 bit background geoprocessing and like magic the error returned! This time though I found something. When I was running the geoprocessing tools and was giving me the error, I was running on a Basic license, so I closed arc, changed to Advanced License and this time NO error occurred. I closed arc, switched back to Basic ran the tool and no more error. This appears to be a solution but only if you have access to Advance. Not sure how you would get around it if you didn't have access to an Advanced License.

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Esri Regular Contributor
Thanks for continuing to post your workflow.
I just tried this and couldnt reproduce 😞
I got a fresh machine, install 10.1, sp1 + 64bit BG.
I licensed as ArcView Single Use.
Opened ArcMap, ran Buffer and it works.
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Deactivated User
Thanks for continuing to post your workflow.
I just tried this and couldnt reproduce 😞
I got a fresh machine, install 10.1, sp1 + 64bit BG.
I licensed as ArcView Single Use.
Opened ArcMap, ran Buffer and it works.

Thanks for continuing with your help. One final piece of information that I was not aware of is that we recently changed how we deploy ArcGIS to our computers, we are no longer doing local installs, we have our IT guys pushing the software to the necessary machines. The majority of our workstations had Arc installed prior to this new process and could explain why we are only seeing it on new machines. I am going to try to get a copy of the installation files and install it locally and see if I get that error.
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