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"spatial dissolve" - join neighboring polygones with same value

03-11-2014 06:02 AM
New Contributor
Hey All,

I have a small problem, which I think shouldn be a big deal. However, so far I cant figure out the solution. Therefore, I am very thankful for your help.
I have a shape-file with polygones. I want to simplyfy this shape-file. Therefore, I would like to join polygones if they have the same value and are neighboring. I do not want to run the funktion dissolve, because then I get one big polygone for all polygones with the given value.

Thank you!

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3 Replies
Deactivated User
Dissolve should do exactly what you want.  Perhaps you need to uncheck Create Multipart Features?
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Frequent Contributor
Yes, the difference between "multipart polygons" and "multiple (single part) polygons" may be confusing at first.
Multipart makes all the scattered bits one single feature (regardless of if they touch or not)
Single-part makes many individual features (it dissolves them only if they touch).
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New Contributor
Dear Dale and Mark,

it worked out. Thank you a lot!

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