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Additional fields for attachment table

05-21-2013 06:55 PM
Occasional Contributor
I have a feature class that has associated multiple attachments with each of the features. A feature service was created so that the user can call the service to add/remove/edit attachments.

What I want to achieve is the attachment table stored in the geodatabase can automatically record the date/time whenever the attachment is added or edited as additional field(s) by the user calling the service.

The attachment table only has a fixed number of fields such as ATTACHMENTID, REL_OBJECTID, CONTENT_TYPE, ATT_NAME, DATA_SIZE and DATA.

Is there any solution to it?


1 Reply
Frequent Contributor

I'm looking for answer for the same topic.

I  need to add some fields to describe attachments (ie "title", "description", acquisition date" etc).

I tryed to add this fields to the attachments table   but no client (argo viewe, editor widget in WAB) seems to recognize these fileds.

Is there a way to customize attachments so they can be edited inside web applications?


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