Adding Function to Field Calculator fails

07-29-2011 03:56 AM
New Contributor
I'm new to the forum, so: Hello Everybody!

I'm trying to add a def function to ArcGIS Desktops Field Calculator.

The code of the def written in python is as follows:

import arcpy
import math
import numpy
from arcpy import env
from numpy import *

pointshape = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (0)
raster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (1)
solar_azimuth = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (2)
solar_height = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (3)
tilt = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (4)
output_raster = arcpy.GetParameterAsText (5)

def calculate_angles(ET_ANGLE):
    #Calculating IN-Vector

    phi_in = math.radians(180 - solar_azimuth)
    theta_in  = math.radians(90 - solar_height)

    r = 1
    x = -(r * math.sin(theta_in) * math.cos(phi_in))
    y = -(r * math.sin(theta_in) * math.sin(phi_in))
    z = -(r * math.cos(theta_in))

    VSonneIn = numpy.matrix([, , ])

    # Calculating Module-Vector

    phi_modul = math.radians(180 - ET_ANGLE)
    theta_modul = math.radians(tilt)

    # r = 1 from above
    u = r * math.sin(theta_modul) * math.cos(phi_modul)
    v = r * math.sin(theta_modul) * math.sin(phi_modul)
    w = r * math.cos(theta_modul)

    # Defining Transformation-Matrix

    MReflexion = numpy.matrix([[1-2*u*u, -2*u*v, -2*u*w],
                           [-2*u*v, 1-2*v*v, -2*v*w],
                           [-2*u*w, -2*v*w, 1-2*w*w]])

    VSonneOut = MReflexion * VSonneIn

    # Calculating OUT-Angles

    theta_out = math.degrees(math.acos(VSonneOut[2]/(math.sqrt(VSonneOut[0]*VSonneOut[0]+VSonneOut[1]*VSonneOut[1]+VSonneOut[2]*VSonneOut[2]))))

    VERT1 = (90 - theta_out)
    return VERT1

    if (VSonneOut[0] > 0):
        phi_out = math.degrees(math.atan(VSonneOut[1]/VSonneOut[0]))
    elif (VSonneOut[0] == 0):
        phi_out = math.degrees(numpy.sign(VSonneOut[1])*(math.pi/2))
    elif (VSonneOut[1] >= 0):
     phi_out = math.degrees(math.atan(VSonneOut[1]/VSonneOut[0])+math.pi)
     phi_out = math.degrees(math.atan(VSonneOut[1]/VSonneOut[0])-math.pi)

    AZIMUTH1 = (180 - phi_out)
    return AZIMUTH1

The expression I use in the Field Calculator is as follows:


Now my problem is, that this def doesn't work. The Error message I get is not defined.
-> <class 'arcgisscripting.ExecuteError'>: ERROR 999999: Error executing function.
Failed to execute (CalculateField).

Any Idea how to debug this or how to get it to work?
I'm not getting it.

Thanks for any help!
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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus
by the looks of the script, it is designed to run as a tool from within Arctoolbox, within Arcmap, since there are a number of parameters that need to be provided, which aren't being provided from within the field calculator.  Check the documentation that you got with the toolset if you have it
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New Contributor
by the looks of the script, it is designed to run as a tool from within Arctoolbox, within Arcmap

That's right.

there are a number of parameters that need to be provided, which aren't being provided from within the field calculator

Could you please name some of them? I don't know to which you are referring to.

the documentation that you got with the toolset

With 'Toolset' you mean the 'Field Calculator'? I Don't have a documentation for the Toolset the script should run in, because I've created it by my own.

Thanks for your Help so far!
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