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Adding Buffer Distance Variable to Model

01-07-2014 09:49 AM
Regular Contributor
I am creating a model that uses the buffer tool and I wanted to create a variable for the buffer distance so that you can just open the tool and plug in your distance without having to go in to edit the model.  Right now I have inserted a variable and set it to double.  It is also set as a parameter but it in no way is connected to the buffer tool in the model.  Is there a way to do this?

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2 Replies
Deactivated User

After adding the buffer tool to your model, right click the buffer and click "Make Variable ->  From Parameter -> Distance [Value or Field]"

After this is created right click the new bubble and select "Model Parameter".

Now when you run the model it should ask you to specifies the distance.

Hope this helps!

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Regular Contributor
Nevermind.  Instead of going to insert -> create variable I right clicked the buffer tool -> make variable -> from parameter -> distance and set as model parameter
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