I have used the following testing python script it runs well on arcmap. than i used result window and published it as geoprocessing service. however when i run it from the ARCGIS server Manager i received following error:Unable to complete operation.
Invalid return value: C:\arcgisserver\directories\arcgisjobs\may_exceltodbf_gpserver\jb572f53715e1473f86a7edb92a3525f8\scratch\cal.dbfAny suggesstion.....following is my script.
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
## Change this to your workspace location
env.workspace = "C://WEXFORD//DATA"
## Change this to your spreadsheet and workbook name
inTable = "C://WEXFORD//DATA//calculator.xlsx/sheet1$"
outLocation = ""C://WEXFORD//DATA"
outTable = "cal"