I have a gdb with point feature class A and a dwg template B with block definition ST_MH_EXT and ST_MH_OTH. ST_MH_EXT is circle while ST_MH_OTH is square. I have added the fields "CadType" and "RefName" to A. Then I set the values of "CadType" to insert and "RefName" to "ST_MH_EXT" / "ST_MH_OTH" respectively.
After I run the tool "ExportCAD_conversion", the shape of "ST_MH_EXT" in the result dwg is preserved but "ST_MH_OTH" becomes circle. I would like to ask whether the problem is?
You might be missing the seed file for the block
Check out those articles.
Thanks for your help, but I wants to convert the gdb to dgn rather than dwg. How can I apply the settings to DGN?
The process is the same for DGN.
1. Open DGN and save your DWG template file as DGN.
2. You can make the output type as Microstation DGN and attach your dgn file as a seed file when running Export to CAD.
I tested it out myself. I used a dwg file that has a block definition of 'Hydrants'. In ArcGIS Pro, I have added the fields "CadType" and "RefName" to the point feature class, and set the values to 'Insert' and 'Hydrants' respectively. I save my dwg template file as dgn and use it as my seed file. Then I got my output dgn file below