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Merging feature edits/updates made in a particular Geodatabase to source Geodatabase

07-12-2018 10:54 AM
New Contributor

Scenario: Let's say I have a large geodatabase called 'A'. The 'A' gdb contains feature classes of shapefiles along with their geometries. Now I export certain features of this gdb to another new gdb called 'B'. And in 'B' gdb I make changes in the geometry of those certain feautures as well as changes in attribute values.

Question: So how can I merge back the edits of 'B' gdb to the source 'A' gdb in ArcMap?

Thoughts: Thinking of using dbfpy or pyshp code in Arcpy? Or is there a ArcTool for this?

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6 Replies
Deactivated User

Hi Asif,

How many different feature classes from geodatabase A did you move to geodatabase B and now need to move back? I ask because if we are just talking about a few, then I would say just do a copy and paste from geodatabase B back to geodatabase A after you delete the original feature classes from A.

If you want to automate this with a model or script, you can use the Append tool. The tool will allow you to input a source feature class from one geodatabase and a target feature class in another so long as the schemas match. You could build a model to iterate through the different feature classes you have. 

Append—Data Management toolbox | ArcGIS Desktop 

There are probably other ways to do this too but those would be easiest depending on the quantity of feature classes you are working with. 


Esteemed Contributor


Would database replication be a bad idea for this type of workflow moving forward as it looks like ESRI will not support replicas in Pro?

Deactivated User


Geodatabase replication would be an option as well if that is something they want to setup. 

You are correct in that the current geodatabase replication process is not supported in ArcGIS Pro. However, we'll be supporting Desktop for years to come (at least the next 5-6 since 10.6.1 releases this month and we support these products for 5 years). So I see no reason why they can't do that now. We'll have to see what the end result is in Pro in regards to replication. 


New Contributor

Hi Jonathan, I will try using Append tool. So I have 400 feature classes in gdb A and I've made changes to 50 feature classes in gdb B.

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Esteemed Contributor


Are you working with file gdbs or SDE?  Are these feature classes being used in ArcGIS Server mapservices?

Are you just adding new records in gdb B?  If all you are doing is adding records then Append would work for you, but if you are modifying records then you would have duplicate records in gdb A (the old records plus the modified new record).

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Deactivated User

Hi Michael, 
We have the situation that attributes have been altered (and some new records), so Append is not working as stated in your post. I've been searching online a lot for the right tool or workflow to get it right... any suggestions?
Using Pro 2.2.+, AGOL (hosted feature service for Collector) and a fgdb.

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