Finding Who is Data Owner

02-15-2024 04:50 AM
Occasional Contributor III

Hey All,

ArcGIS Pro 3.2 ArcGIS Enterprise 11.2 & Geodatabase 11.2

Recently, we have enabled transactional replication between two database systems, and we're attempting to setup the data as presented in the previously used database.

Currently, I would like to setup Subtypes through data design, but this is what I see:



I was curious if it may not be registered with the geodatabase, so I attempted to use the tool:


In the case of transactional replication, who is the data owner, and how can I make these changes? I'm signed in using sa and am the owner of the data itself.

Everything is also read-only:



Thanks in advance!

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6 Replies
Esri Frequent Contributor

Based on the screenshot, it looks like SDE is the data owner. You would need to connect as the SDE user to make the changes.

It is also not recommended to have data owned by SDE.

Can you provide some more info if SDE is not the data owner?

Even connecting as SA does not allow you to make some changes within the Pro client.

--- George T.
Occasional Contributor III

Hey @George_Thompson 

I ended up attempting to connect with SDE and it still referred to me as not the owner. I attempted to create a DBO role and made some more progress, but now I'm facing this:



Maybe some good progress?

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Esri Frequent Contributor

I am not sure what would be next, since it seems that the layer is already part of the geodatabase so trying to register it is not a path forward.

Are you sure that the database is already enabled as an Enterprise Geodatabase? 

Based on the screenshot at the top, it looks like this is a view?

How was the SDE user created?

--- George T.
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Occasional Contributor III

Hey @George_Thompson 

For some reason, the actual feature class image won't display unless I view the indexes once and refresh the geodatabase. This is what it looks like normally:



The SDE user was created prior to transactional replication mirroring the SDE user on the publisher side.

As far as I'm aware it was already a Geodatabase, I wouldn't be able to create feature classes if it were not to my understanding.


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Esri Regular Contributor

@CodyPatterson - see the Database Connections Best Practices from my blog for more details. The recommendation is to never use the sde user to load the data, the sde user is the geodatabase arcsde repository owner, and the sde user shall be used only for the geodatabase administration tasks. You need to create a data owner user to load the data. For more details read my database guide book for production mapping on SQL Server available in my blog, see link below, you will also find there the database template scripts for SQL Server to help you setup the SQL Server Geodatabase following the best practices.

Mapping and Charting Solutions (MCS) Enterprise Databases Best Practices

I hope this helps.

| Marcelo Marques | Principal Product Engineer | Esri |
| Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional |
I work with Enterprise Geodatabases since 1997.
“ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov
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Occasional Contributor III

Hey @MarceloMarques 

Thank you for the resources and links to your posts, I'll give them a read and absorb as much as I can! I agree that SDE shouldn't be used other than the administrative tasks as you've mentioned, but I'm inheriting this database from another user in a similar position and am currently working to piece everything together. We ended up enabling versioning on our datasets and chose to do the Create Replica task as well, as far as I'm aware this will not continue to sync like the transactional SQL replication would, so we more than likely will need to setup recurring replication.

Just how it goes though, there will be limitations in anything seemingly!


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