Hello there!
We are using ArcGIS Enterprise 10.9.1 with Azure SQL Database.
The defrag % output from Egdb compare to Azure SQL Database query shows different values. Wondering what could be the reason the values are different for the same table?
For example in the perf_FragmentedIndex tab in the export.xlsx file after a run:
Egdb perf_FragmentedIndex report shows 99.26% defrag:
database_name | owner | indexed_object_name | table_type | index_name | avg_fragmentation_in_percent | in_row_reserved_page_count |
WATER | xx | WATERJUNCTIONOBJECT | User Table | UUID_51 | 99.25765543 | 3290 |
Azure defrag query shows 5.79% defrag:
schema_name | object_name | index_name | index_type | avg_fragmentation_in_percent | avg_page_space_used_in_percent | page_count | alloc_unit_type_desc |
xx | WATERJUNCTIONOBJECT | UUID_51 | NONCLUSTERED | 5.79854208084824 | 96.4498393872004 | 3018 | IN_ROW_DATA |
SELECT OBJECT_SCHEMA_NAME(ips.object_id) AS schema_name,
OBJECT_NAME(ips.object_id) AS object_name,
i.name AS index_name,
i.type_desc AS index_type,
FROM sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats(DB_ID(), default, default, default, 'SAMPLED') AS ips
INNER JOIN sys.indexes AS i
ON ips.object_id = i.object_id
ips.index_id = i.index_id
ORDER BY page_count DESC;
Thank you !