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10.3 SDE/Enterprise Geodatabase MS SQL missing expiry code in AUTH_key trying to Upgrade to 10.8

10-23-2023 10:44 AM
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New Contributor

I am trying to upgrade a 10.3.1 Enterprise Geodatabase to 10.8. I come across a potential problem.

I checked the SDE_server_config table to view AUTH_KEY and it says:


What happened to the expiry date? I am sure this will cause an issue during upgrade.

How do I fix it, or do I just continue and try to upgrade to 10.8 and hope for the best?

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Esri Regular Contributor

There is no expiration date for arcsde licenses for customers. Your arcsde license is perpetual and it shall work just fine if you upgrade the arcsde geodatabase repository from 10.3.x to 10.8.x. I hope this clarifies.

| Marcelo Marques | Esri Principal Product Engineer | Cloud & Database Administrator | OCP - Oracle Certified Professional | "In 1992, I embarked on my journey with Esri Technology, and since 1997, I have been working with ArcSDE Geodatabases, right from its initial release. Over the past 32 years, my passion for GIS has only grown stronger." | “ I do not fear computers. I fear the lack of them." Isaac Isimov |